Conference article  Unknown

Digital sampling of surfaces' shape and color: state of the art and open issues

Scopigno R.

Computer Grapihcs 

New 3D scanning technologies coupled with digital photography allow acquiring accurate and high-resolution models reporting the status of medium (e.g. statues) or large scale artifacts (e.g. buildings). Even if this technology is in a sufficiently consolidated status, its use in real diagnosis and restoration projects is still largely below its potential. This is due to a number of factors; the talk will present the status of the technology and the current shortcomings or issues that make its proficient use in restoration still not very diffuse. The presentation will be based on a number of test cases and will also present some new technologies designed by ISTI-CNR.

Source: In situ Monitoring of Monumental Surfaces - SMW08, pp. 67–76, Florence, Italy, 27-29 October 2008

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Digital sampling of surfaces' shape and color: state of the art and open issues},
	author = {Scopigno R.},
	booktitle = {In situ Monitoring of Monumental Surfaces - SMW08, pp. 67–76, Florence, Italy, 27-29 October 2008},
	year = {2008}