Conference article  Open Access

A native XML database supporting approximate match search

Amato G., Debole F.

Match search  Path expression  Database Management  Approximate match  Multimedia document  Systems  Path index 

XML is becoming the standard representation format for metadata. Metadata for multimedia documents, as for instance MPEG-7, require approximate match search functionalities to be supported in addition to exact match search. As an example, consider image search performed by usingMPEG-7 visual descriptors. It does not make sense to search for images that are exactly equal to a query image. Rather, images similar to a query image are more likely to be searched. We present the architecture of an XML search engine where special techniques are used to integrate approximate and exact match search functionalities.

Source: ECDL 2005 - 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, pp. 69–80, Vienna, Austria, 18-23/09/2005


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BibTeX entry
	title = {A native XML database supporting approximate match search},
	author = {Amato G. and Debole F.},
	doi = {10.1007/11551362_7},
	booktitle = {ECDL 2005 - 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, pp. 69–80, Vienna, Austria, 18-23/09/2005},
	year = {2005}