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PARTHENOS - PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure

Pagano P, Candela L, Assante M, Frosini L, Manghi P, Bardi A, Sinibaldi F

e-infrastructure architecture  Virtual machines cloud 

This report describes the PARTHENOS e-infrastructure architecture: the hardware and the services. Hardware is organized as a dynamic cloud of virtual machines, supporting computation and storage, while the services are organized into e-infrastructure middleware, storage, and end user services.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {PARTHENOS - PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure},
	author = {Pagano P and Candela L and Assante M and Frosini L and Manghi P and Bardi A and Sinibaldi F},
	year = {2016}

Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies