Biasotti S, Cerri A, Abdelrahman M, Aono M, Ben Hamza A, Elmelegy M, Farag A, Garro V, Giachetti D, Giorgi D, Godil A, Li C, Liu Y, Martono H, Sanada C, Tatsuma A, Velascoforero S, Xu C
Information Storage and Retrieval: Content Analysis and Indexing Abstracting methods
This paper reports the results of the SHREC'14 track: Retrieval and classification on textured 3D models, whose goal is to evaluate the performance of retrieval algorithms when models vary either by geometric shape or texture, or both. The collection to search in is made of 572 textured mesh models, having a two-level classification based on geometry and texture. Together with the dataset, a training set of 96 models was provided. The track saw eight participants and the submission of 22 runs, to either the retrieval or the classification contest, or both. The evaluation results show a promising scenario about textured 3D retrieval methods, and reveal interesting insights in dealing with texture information in the CIELab rather than in the RGB colour space.
Publisher: Eurographics Association - European Association Computer Graphics
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:280241, title = {SHREC'14 Track: Retrieval and Classification on Textured 3D Models}, author = {Biasotti S and Cerri A and Abdelrahman M and Aono M and Ben Hamza A and Elmelegy M and Farag A and Garro V and Giachetti D and Giorgi D and Godil A and Li C and Liu Y and Martono H and Sanada C and Tatsuma A and Velascoforero S and Xu C}, publisher = {Eurographics Association - European Association Computer Graphics}, year = {2014} }