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gCube Social Networking Cloud: News Feed [Release 1.11.0 , 12 October 2015]

Assante M.

Web Application  Social Networking  Virtual Research Environments 

The gCube social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin Web browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific prod- ucts, data sets, theories and tools. The News Feed lists users' and applications' updates and make these available to every user according to his/her preferences. Additionally, it enables users to comment, subscribe or reshare these updates, and - in case of application posts - to make users access the subject of the post directly in the application that created it, e.g., to see a data set or an application. Moreover it allows to trigger topic search when clicking on a post containing hashtags (topics)

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BibTeX entry
	title = {gCube Social Networking Cloud: News Feed [Release 1.11.0 , 12 October 2015]},
	author = {Assante M.},
	year = {2015}

Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources