Belli D, Fantechi A, Gnesi S, Masullo L, Mazzanti F, Pistilli G, Quadrini L, Trentini D, Vaghi C
4securail Formal methods Signallling systems Standard interfaces Requirements analysis
In the context of the Shift2Rail open call S2R-OC-IP2-01-2019, one of the two work streams of the 4SECURail project (GA 881775) pursues the objective to corroborate how a clear, rigorous standard interface specification between signalling sub-systems can be designed by applying an approach based on semi-formal and formal methods. The objective is addressed by developing a demonstrator case study of the application of formal methods to the specification of standard interfaces, aimed at consolidating the most suitable techniques for rigorous standard interface specification, as well as at supporting a Cost-Benefit Analysis to back this strategy with sound economic arguments. This paper discusses the main results of the project.
Source: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA. Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14/11/2022
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:471861, title = {The 4SECURail approach to formalizing standard interfaces between signalling systems components}, author = {Belli D and Fantechi A and Gnesi S and Masullo L and Mazzanti F and Pistilli G and Quadrini L and Trentini D and Vaghi C}, booktitle = {TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA. Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14/11/2022}, year = {2022} }