Tammaro Am, Casarosa V
Data curator Data curation Vocabulary
In 2016, the IFLA Section Library Theory and Research has (partially) funded the research project "Data curator who is s/he?" to clarify the profile of data curator. The main goal of the project was to define characteristics of roles and responsibilities of data curators in the international and interdisciplinary contexts. The research questions of the Project were: R1: How is data curation defined by practitioners/professional working in the field?; R2: What terms are used to describe the roles for professionals in data curation area?; R3: What are primary roles and responsibilities of data curators?; R4: What are educational qualifications and competencies required of data curators? In this paper we present briefly some of the results related to research questions R1 and R2, namely what terms are used to describe the roles for professionals in data curation area.
Source: COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE (PRINT), pp. 249-255. Udine, Italy, 25-26/01/2018
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:424424, title = {Who is the data curator? Defining a vocabulary}, author = {Tammaro Am and Casarosa V}, booktitle = {COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE (PRINT), pp. 249-255. Udine, Italy, 25-26/01/2018}, year = {2018} }