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DESIRA - D3.5 Third set of practice abstracts

Bacco Fm, Ferrari A, Berg M, Schroth C, Rendl C, Marinoskouris C, Toli E, Koltsida P, Ortolani L, Lepore F, Townsend L, Hardy C, Fiorentini N, Brunori G

Practice abstract  Showcase technologies  Use cases  Agriculture  Forestry  Rural areas  Codesign 

This document provides DESIRA's third set of practice abstracts (PAs) which is a compilation of seven PAs. Those PAs are based on the experiences, lessons learned, project actions and reporting of the WP3 activities that aimed at the development of scenarios and showcasing of technologies building on the concept of digital game changers. Tasks 3.5 'Use Case development' and 3.6 'Showcase Technologies', are the main contributing project tasks that provided concrete results on which these seven PAs, cited in this report, are based. The first five PAs provide a concise description of five use cases that were developed during the second period of the DESIRA project. An array of conducted activities inside the boundaries of five preselected Living Labs, and with the participation of those LL's stakeholders, were planned so that WP3 could culminate in the development of five technology adoption use cases.The last two PAs of this report, supplement the five aforementioned use case PAs by showcasing two additional promising technology solutions that have the potential to contribute to sustainable digital transition pathways, as those are defined by the DESIRA's theoretical framework and as reflectedby the examined agro-rural-forestry settings of this project. For a thorough and detailed analysis of the methodology, activities, and outcomes that contributed to the production of the use cases and showcase technology reports, it is recommended the reading of deliverables D3.3 'Use Cases Report'and D3.4 'Showcase Technology Report' which are the foundation documents on which this deliverable is based on.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {DESIRA - D3.5 Third set of practice abstracts},
	author = {Bacco Fm and Ferrari A and Berg M and Schroth C and Rendl C and Marinoskouris C and Toli E and Koltsida P and Ortolani L and Lepore F and Townsend L and Hardy C and Fiorentini N and Brunori G},
	year = {2023}

Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas