Conference article  Open Access

Semi-automated text classification for sensitivity identification

Berardi G., Esuli A., Macdonald C., Ounis I., Sebastiani F.

Sensitive information 

Sensitive documents are those that cannot be made public, e.g., for personal or organizational privacy reasons. For instance, documents requested through Freedom of Information mechanisms must be manually reviewed for the presence of sensitive information before their actual release. Hence, tools that can assist human reviewers in spotting sensitive information are of great value to government organizations subject to Freedom of Information laws. We look at sensitivity identification in terms of semi-automated text classification (SATC), the task of ranking automatically classified documents so as to optimize the cost-effectiveness of human post-checking work. We use a recently proposed utility-theoretic approach to SATC that explicitly optimizes the chosen effectiveness function when ranking the documents by sensitivity; this is especially useful in our case, since sensitivity identification is a recall-oriented task, thus requiring the use of a recall-oriented evaluation measure such as F2. We show the validity of this approach by running experiments on a multi-label multi-class dataset of government documents manually annotated according to different types of sensitivity.

Source: 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pp. 1711–1714, Melbourne, AU, 19-23/10/2015

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Semi-automated text classification for sensitivity identification},
	author = {Berardi G. and Esuli A. and Macdonald C. and Ounis I. and Sebastiani F.},
	doi = {10.1145/2806416.2806597},
	booktitle = {24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pp. 1711–1714, Melbourne, AU, 19-23/10/2015},
	year = {2015}