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PARTHENOS - Deliverable 6.6 - PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure

Pagano P, Assante M, Frosini L, Manghi P, Bardi A, Sinibaldi F, Cirillo R, Panichi G

Virtual Research Environment  Cloud Infrastructure  Information System  Authentication and Authorization  Accounting  Storage  Analytics Framework  Content Cloud  Collaborative Framework 

"D6.6 PARTHENOS cloud infrastructure" is the revised and final version of "D6.1 PARTHENOS cloud infrastructure". This deliverable reports the PARTHENOS e-infrastructure architecture: the hardware and the services. Hardware is organized as a dynamic cloud of virtual machines, supporting computation and storage, while the services are organized into e-infrastructure middleware, storage, and end user services.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {PARTHENOS - Deliverable 6.6 - PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure},
	author = {Pagano P and Assante M and Frosini L and Manghi P and Bardi A and Sinibaldi F and Cirillo R and Panichi G},
	year = {2019}

Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies