Conference article  Open Access

Validation coverage for a component-based SDL model of a railway signaling system

Banci M, Becucci M, Fantechi A, Spinicci E

Computer Science(all)  Railway signaling  Program Verification  MSC scenario  Theoretical Computer Science  General Computer Science  Software  validation  Component-based SDL model 

In this paper we present an application of formal verification techniques to a component-based SDL model of a railway signalling system lent by General Electric Transportation Systems. A MSC-driven validation technique has been applied to verify the multiple-configuration features of the system. This work addresses the problem of validating a component-oriented designed SDL model, with a partial reuse of previously verified MSC scenarios if a new component is introducing or modified: some possible solutions based on the coverage metrics and information provided by the adopted tools are discussed.

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Validation coverage for a component-based SDL model of a railway signaling system},
	author = {Banci M and Becucci M and Fantechi A and Spinicci E},
	publisher = {Elsevier B.V.},
	doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2004.02.083},
	year = {2005}