Conference article  Unknown

Critical utility infrastructural resilience

Dondossola G., Deconinck G., Di Giandomenico F., Donatelli S., Kaaniche M., Verissimo P.

Parallel processing  Static mapping  Task mapping 

The paper refers to CRUTIAL , CRitical UTility InfrastructurAL Resilience, a European project within the research area of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, with a specific focus on the infrastructures operated by power utilities, widely recognized as fundamental to national and international economy, security and quality of life. Such infrastructures faced with the recent market deregulations and the multiple interdependencies with other infrastructures are becoming more and more vulnerable to various threats, including accidental failures and deliberate sabotage and malicious attacks. The subject of CRUTIAL research are small scale networked ICT systems used to control and manage the electric power grid, in which artifacts controlling the physical process of electricity transportation need to be connected with corporate and societal applications performing management and maintenance functionality. The peculiarity of such ICT-supported systems is that they are related to the power system dynamics and its emergency conditions. Specific effort need to be devoted by the Electric Power community and by the Information Technology community to influence the technological progress in order to allow commercial intelligent electronic devices to be effectively deployed for the protection of citizens against cyber threats to electric power management and control systems. A well-founded know-how needs to be built inside the industrial power sector to allow all the involved stakeholders to achieve their service objectives without compromising the resilience properties of the logical and physical assets that support the electric power provision.

Source: International Workshop on Complex Network and Infrastructure Protection. CNIP 2006, Roma, 26-28/03/2006

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Critical utility infrastructural resilience},
	author = {Dondossola G. and Deconinck G. and Di Giandomenico F. and Donatelli S. and Kaaniche M. and Verissimo P.},
	booktitle = {International Workshop on Complex Network and Infrastructure Protection. CNIP 2006, Roma, 26-28/03/2006},
	year = {2006}