Conference article  Unknown

SUGGEST: a Web usage mining system

Baraglia R., Palmerini P.

Data mining  Web usage mining  User classification 

During their navigation web users leave many records of their activity. This huge amount of data can be a useful source of knowledge. Sophisticated mining processes are needed for this knowledge to be extracted, understood and used. In this paper we propose aWeb UsageMining (WUM) system, called SUGGEST , designed to efficiently integrate the WUM process with the ordinary web server functionalities. It can provide useful information to make easier the web user navigation and to optimize the web server performance. Two quantities are introduced in order to give a measure of the quality of our WUM system.

Source: International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing - ITCC 2002, pp. 282–287, Las Vegas, US, 8-10 April 2002

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BibTeX entry
	title = {SUGGEST: a Web usage mining system},
	author = {Baraglia R. and Palmerini P.},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing - ITCC 2002, pp. 282–287, Las Vegas, US, 8-10 April 2002},
	year = {2002}