Journal article  Open Access

Research data management in the curriculum: an interdisciplinary approach

Tammaro A M, Casarosa V

General Environmental Science  Research Data Management  Digital Library Education  H.3.7 Digital Libraries  General Earth and Planetary Sciences  Data Curator 

Research Data Management is broadly understood as collecting, analyzing, publishing, reanalyzing, critiquing, and reusing data. The increase of digital content in the broad areas of Institutional and domain specific Repositories, Libraries, Archives and Museums and the increased interest in the sharing and preservation of "research data" have triggered the emergence of new roles such as Data Curator. The paper refers about the on-going investigation of current data curator education and training programs with regard to the role of information professionals and/or data scientists in the research lifecycle. The investigation has been based on a series of workshops and events discussing the concerns of researchers and teachers about digital library and digital curation. A first list of competencies and skills at technical and operational level that professionals should have, has been evidenced. The theoretical framework and structure of educational programmes should have sufficient flexibility to accommodate the needs of various groups of specialists. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Source: PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 38, pp. 138-142

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Research data management in the curriculum: an interdisciplinary approach},
	author = {Tammaro A M and Casarosa V},
	doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2014.10.023},
	year = {2014}