Panagopoulos Ad, Poulakis M, Vassaki S, Gotta A, Celandroni N, Ferro E, Bisio I, Davoli F, Cello M, Rosetti C, Luglio M, Marchitti M, Munari A, De Cola T
Wireless Sensor Networks QoS Radio Resource Management
The aim of this Technical Note (TN) is to present the issues and the general assumptions of the application scenarios that have been selected in the previous deliverable TN 2.1 "WSN-Satellite Network Architecture and Scenarios". The methodologies that will be studied are briefly described. In the first part, the general assumptions regarding the quality of service (QoS) in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), the technologies and the traffic profiles are given. In the next part, the TN is devoted to presentation of the principles of collaborative beamforming and of the link budget parameters, while afterwards the techniques for clustering (MADM and game theory) and data fusion, and the cooperative routing for satellite-controlled WSNs are presented. Finally, the assumptions and the simulation setup for the efficient access and transport techniques among sensors and satellite are presented. In all the above-described scenarios the energy constraints are considered
@misc{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:207174, title = {SatNEx III - "QoS and radio resource management" TN 2.2.1: QoS \& RRM: issues and case studies}, author = {Panagopoulos Ad and Poulakis M and Vassaki S and Gotta A and Celandroni N and Ferro E and Bisio I and Davoli F and Cello M and Rosetti C and Luglio M and Marchitti M and Munari A and De Cola T}, year = {2011} }