Gnesi S, Trentanni G
QUARS NLP Requirements engineering
QuARS (Quality Analyzer for Requirements Specifications) is a tool able to perform an analysis of Natural Language (NL) requirements in a systematic and an automatic way by means of natural language processing techniques with a focus on ambiguity detection. QuARS allows the requirements engineers to perform an early analysis of the requirements for automatically detecting potential linguistic defects.
Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS. Essen, Germany, 19 March, 2019
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:424161, title = {QuARS: a NLP tool for requirements analysis}, author = {Gnesi S and Trentanni G}, booktitle = {CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS. Essen, Germany, 19 March, 2019}, year = {2019} }