Report  Open Access

OPENAIREPLUS - Functional specification for the data curation services

Manghi P., Artini M., La Bruzzo S.

End-user feed-back services  OpenAire  H.3.7 Digital Libraries 

This deliverable presents the functionality and the high-level architecture of the End-User feedback Services. The services provide end-users with tools for improving the quality of the Information Space by submitting fixes and enrichments, to be validated by OpenAIRE data curators prior application.

Source: Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D8.5, 2013

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BibTeX entry
	title = {OPENAIREPLUS - Functional specification for the data curation services},
	author = {Manghi P. and Artini M. and La Bruzzo S.},
	institution = {Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D8.5, 2013},
	year = {2013}

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