Software  Unknown


Cignoni P., Rocchini C., Scopigno R.

Simplification  Triangular mesh 

Metro is a tool designed to evaluate the difference between two triangular meshes. Metro adopts an approximated approach based on surface sampling and point-to-surface distance computation. Metro v3.1 returns only numerical results (maximum and mean error, volume difference, surface difference, etc.). Three different surface sampling methods are implemented (a)Montecarlo sampling (pick k random samples in the interior of each face), (b) Subdivision sampling (recursively subdivide each face along the longest edge and choose the sample in the center of each cell), (c) Similar Triangles sampling (subdivide each face F in k polygons similar to F and sample the face in correspondence with the vertices of these polygons, internal to F).

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Metro},
	author = {Cignoni P. and Rocchini C. and Scopigno R.},
	year = {2002}

Bibliographic record

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