Conference article  Unknown

Re-thinking the development process of component-based software

Bertolino A., Polini A.


This paper contribution to the ECBS workshop is a position statement that a wide gap exists between the technologies for Component-based Software Engineering and the scientific foundations on which this technology relies. What is mostly lacking is a revised model for the development process. We very quickly outline a skeleton for re-thinking the models that have shaped the software production in the last decades, and we start to make some speculations, in particular for what concerns the testing stages. As a working example, we take in consideration the Enterprise Java Beans framework. However, our research goal is to draw generally valid conclusions and insights.

Source: 9th IEEE Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems. Workshop on Component-based Software Engineering. Composing Systems from Components, pp. 7–10, Lund, Sweden, 8-11 April 2002

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Re-thinking the development process of component-based software},
	author = {Bertolino A. and Polini A.},
	booktitle = {9th IEEE Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems. Workshop on Component-based Software Engineering. Composing Systems from Components, pp. 7–10, Lund, Sweden, 8-11 April 2002},
	year = {2002}