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Uppaal models and experiments for the paper: "Formal Analysis of the UNISIG Safety Application Intermediate Sublayer." (FMICS2021)

Basile D., Rosadi I.

UPPAAL  Model  Formal methods  Railway 

Uppaal models of the paper Formal Analysis of the UNISIG Safety Application Intermediate Sublayer. FMICS2021 Basile, D., Fantechi, A. and Rosadi, I., 2021, August. Formal Analysis of the UNISIG Safety Application Intermediate Sub-layer. In International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (pp. 174-190). Springer, Cham. Video presentation: https://youtu.be/nGHfXi1vvg4 Mapping between the formulas described in the paper and the models ?4, ?5, ?7, ?9, ?11, ?13, ?17, ?18, ?19, ?20 -> modelConfStandard ?1, ?2, ?3, ?6, ?8, ?10, ?12, ?16 -> modelFastVerification ?14 -> modelLowerMaxLostMsgFastVerification ?15 -> modelLowerMaxLostMsg ?16' -> modelNoTransmissionDelayThreat ?21 -> modelLowerSNMax

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	title = {Uppaal models and experiments for the paper: "Formal Analysis of the UNISIG Safety Application Intermediate Sublayer." (FMICS2021)},
	author = {Basile D. and Rosadi I.},
	year = {2021}

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