Report  Unknown

DILIGENT - D3.1.1 - EGEE-DILIGENT Interaction Report November 2007

Faggian Marque R., Andrade P., Pagano P.

Digital libraries  EGEE  gLite  Inter-project coordination 

This deliverable describes the activities performed in the context of WP3.1. WP3.1 objectives are: o to coordinate the cooperation and the interactions between DILIGENT and the EGEE activities to enable the integration, exploitation and enhancement of EGEE achievements through DILIGENT objectives; o to analyze the status of the available Grid infrastructure compared to the specific requirements of the Digital Libraries (DLs) community. Establish the basis for a profitable experimentation of Grid technologies in the knowledge management domain. The purpose of this document is to describe how the interaction between the DILIGENT and EGEE projects took place and explain the feedback provided to EGEE and the Digital Libraries community. This ongoing deliverable was progressively expanded during the lifetime of DILIGENT. More precisely, three versions of this report were produced: report 1 at project month 8, report 2 at project month 22 and report 3 at project month 38. These three periods are described in the document in chronological order in the following three chapters: "Hands-on Technology", which covers the activities from month 1 to month 8, "Design and Experimentation", covering from month 9 to month 21, and "Built of the Prototype", from month 22 to month 38.

Source: Project report, DILIGENT, Deliverable D3.1.1, 2007

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BibTeX entry
	title = {DILIGENT - D3.1.1 - EGEE-DILIGENT Interaction Report November 2007},
	author = {Faggian Marque R. and Andrade P. and Pagano P.},
	institution = {Project report, DILIGENT, Deliverable D3.1.1, 2007},
	year = {2007}

A testbed digital library infrastructure on grid enabled technology