Conference article  Open Access

Toward pervasive computer vision for intelligent transport system

Leone Gr, Carboni A, Nardi S, Moroni D

Pervasive computing  Intelligent Transport System  Edge computing  Privacy by design  Multiple people tracking 

The Smart Passenger Center (SPaCe) is a fully integrated platform that aims to overcome the complexity of centralized management of public transport infrastructure and vehicles. The SPaCe artificial intelligence engine predicts threats and critical events and proposes countermeasures by examining the daily flows of people and correlating different data and events, thanks to machine learning and big data analytics. All this massive data comes from a pervasive smart cameras network that constantly monitors activities in stations, trains, buses and other places of interest. In this work, we present the idea of this computer vision distributed sub-system, the state of the art of the techniques involved and the advanced functionalities that this intelligent surveillance system offers to the upper layers. Everything is developed following the privacy-by-design paradigm; namely, no real image is recorded or transmitted, but all the elaborations take place on the edge nodes of the system.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Toward pervasive computer vision for intelligent transport system},
	author = {Leone Gr and Carboni A and Nardi S and Moroni D},
	year = {2022}