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A location-aware guide based on active RFIDs in multi-device environments

Ghiani G, Paternò F, Santoro C, Spano L D

H.5 Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g.  HCI)  Mobile Guides  Multi-device Adaptation  Location-awareness  RFIDs 

In this paper, we propose a multi-device, location-aware museum guide. It is a mobile guide able to opportunistically exploit large screens when they are nearby the user. Various types of games, which can exploit multi-device environments, are included in addition to the museum and artwork descriptions. The mobile guide is equipped with an RFID reader, which provides information useful to automatically detect nearby artworks. We also present example applications of this solution and then briefly discuss the results of first empirical tests performed to evaluate the usefulness and the usability of the enhanced mobile guide.

Publisher: Springer

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BibTeX entry
	title = {A location-aware guide based on active RFIDs in multi-device environments},
	author = {Ghiani G and Paternò F and Santoro C and Spano L D},
	publisher = {Springer},
	year = {2009}