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Verifying concurrent system by talking to them

Fantechi A, Gnesi S, Ristori G, Carenini M, Marino M, Moreschini P

Temporal Logic 

In this paper we present a prototype translator from Natural Language expressions into Temporal Logic formulae. The translator is realized using a general development environment for Natural Language processing and it has been interfaced with a verification environment of behavioural properties on concurrent systems specified by process algebras. This too1 can be viewed as an aid to override the many imprecisions that frequently occur in the passage from informal requirements expressed by means of Natural Language expressions to Temporal Logic formulae.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Verifying concurrent system by talking to them},
	author = {Fantechi A and Gnesi S and Ristori G and Carenini M and Marino M and Moreschini P},
	year = {1992}