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gCube Enabling Layer - Versione 2.2.0

Simi M., Lelii L.

Virtual Research Environments  gCube System  Virtual Organisations  D4Science-II project  Systems and Software 

The VRE Management subsystem is a set of gCube services and software components responsible for the definition and the dynamic deployment of VREs. A user-friendly user interface supports VREs definitions by guiding the user during the specification of the desired VRE features. Through the same interface the designer is informed on the optimal deployment plan identified by the system. In fact, the resulting plan is based on availability, QoS requirements, resource inter-dependencies, and VRE sharing policies, but also on monitoring of failures (resources are dynamically redeployed) and load (resources are dynamically replicated). The Resource Manager, by coordinating four distinguished services (Deployer, Software Repository, Resource Broker, gCube Hosting Node Manager), realizes the VRE dynamic deployment by, respectively, collecting service implementations, selecting target nodes for deployment within the infrastructure, and hosting resources implementations at selected nodes. The primary role assigned to this subsystem is to support the implementation of Virtual Research Environments ranging their definition/specification to their deployment and maintenance.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {gCube Enabling Layer - Versione 2.2.0},
	author = {Simi M. and Lelii L.},
	year = {2010}