Journal article  Open Access

Accurate measurement in the field of the earth of the general-relativistic precession of the LAGEOS II pericenter and new constraints on non-Newtonian gravity

Lucchesi D, Peron R

Space Physics (physics.space-ph)  General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology  General Relativity  Physics - Space Physics  Experimental gravity  Geophysics (physics.geo-ph)  FOS: Physical sciences  Space Physics  Physics - Geophysics  General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)  General Physics and Astronomy 

The pericenter shift of a binary system represents a suitable observable to test for possible deviations from the Newtonian inverse-square law in favor of new weak interactions between macroscopic objects. We analyzed 13 years of tracking data of the LAGEOS satellites with GEODYN II software but with no models for general relativity. From the fit of LAGEOS II pericenter residuals we have been able to obtain a 99.8% agreement with the predictions of Einstein's theory. This result may be considered as a 99.8% measurement in the field of the Earth of the combination of the gamma and beta parameters of general relativity, and it may be used to constrain possible deviations from the inverse-square law in favor of new weak interactions parametrized by a Yukawa-like potential with strength alpha and range lambda. We obtained abs(alpha) 1x10. -11), a huge improvement at a range of about 1 Earth radius.

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (PRINT), vol. 105 (issue 23), pp. 231103-1-231103-4

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Accurate measurement in the field of the earth of the general-relativistic precession of the LAGEOS II pericenter and new constraints on non-Newtonian gravity},
	author = {Lucchesi D and Peron R},
	doi = {10.1103/physrevlett.105.231103 and 10.48550/arxiv.1106.2905},
	year = {2010}