Toli E., Koltsida P., Marinos-Kouris C., Hardy C., Townsend L., Bacco F. M.
Digitalisation Agriculture Rural areas Forestry Codesign Chatbot Showcase technology
This report presents how to integrate critical values of the digitisation process and apply these values during the various phases of digital solutions development, testing, and adoption. It showcases this in a practical way, by presenting two proof-of-concept solutions delivered by DESIRA. The report presents thoroughly the DigiCroft virtual farm and the Chatbot technologies and displays their technical features, design perspectives and their wider social and economic impacts, perceived as system disruptors, aiming to juxtapose the technology design characteristics with integrated digitisation practices, as defined from DESIRA's standpoint.
Source: ISTI Project Report, DESIRA, D3.4, 2023
@techreport{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:482191, title = {DESIRA - D3.4 Showcase technologies}, author = {Toli E. and Koltsida P. and Marinos-Kouris C. and Hardy C. and Townsend L. and Bacco F. M.}, institution = {ISTI Project Report, DESIRA, D3.4, 2023}, year = {2023} }