Conference article  Restricted

The co-replication methodology and its application to structured parallel programs

Coppola M., Bertolli C., Zoccolo C.

Co-algorithm  Parallel programming  High-level parallel programming  Fault tolerance  Fault recovery 

We introduce Co-Replication, a technique exploiting abstract properties of a computation to allow parallel replicas of a software module to cooperate, enhancing both the reliability and availability of the resulting component, and providing a flexible trade-off among the two properties. In Co-Replication a complete partial ordering is defined on the computation state. The formal expression of the state combination operation among replicas allows them to compute independently as a co-algorithm, and to exploit low-overhead, opportunistic strategies for spreading results and surviving to faults. Co-Replication suits structured parallel and component based programming, as it needs a high level description of the computation properties, and thus can ease exploitation of non fault-free, parallel platforms like large clusters and Grids. We describe the theoretical foundations of Co-Replication, and investigate the use of random gossiping strategies for the state combination. To show the applicability of the technique, we discuss the modelization of Master- Slave and task farm computations, and report test results over two applications.

Source: HPC-GECO/CompFrame 2007, pp. 39–48, Montreal, Canada, 21-22/10 2007

Publisher: ACM Press, New York, USA

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BibTeX entry
	title = {The co-replication methodology and its application to structured parallel programs},
	author = {Coppola M. and Bertolli C. and Zoccolo C.},
	publisher = {ACM Press, New York, USA},
	booktitle = {HPC-GECO/CompFrame 2007, pp. 39–48, Montreal, Canada, 21-22/10 2007},
	year = {2007}

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