Report  Open Access

D4SCIENCE-II - Report on inter-projects coordination and collaboration

Castelli D., Zoppi F.

Inter-project collaboration  Cross-fertilization  Technological exploitation  Networking 

This deliverable reports on the collaborations with other FP7 projects and R&D programmes established by D4Science-II from the beginning of the project until July 2010. The collaborations described are of different nature, as they range from purely technical exchanges involving mutual exploitation of technologies to the sharing of e- Infrastructure resources and to the joint organization of networking and dissemination events. The deliverable presents these collaborations clustered into: (i) Technological projects, which either develop technologies that can be exploited by D4Science-II or that use the D4Science-II developed ones (e.g. EMI, VENUS-C); (ii) Ecosystem components, which comprise projects and initiatives that are part of the ecosystem initiated by D4Science or that may become part of it in the near future (e.g. 4D4Life, AquaMaps, GENESI-DR/DEC, OpenAIRE); (iii) Coordination actions and networking initiatives, which include EU projects addressing aspects complementary to the technological ones, like exploitation, outreach and sustainability (e.g. OGF-Europe, GridTalk, DL.org); and iv) Other projects and initiatives, which refer to envisaged collaborations with projects and organisations which have been recently contacted by - or have contacted - D4Science-II for establishing different types of co-operations (e.g. BioFresh, Data Conservancy, LifeWatch). For each collaboration we present concrete activities performed and plans for the future, if any.

Source: Project report, D4SCIENCE-II, Deliverable DNA2.2, 2010

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BibTeX entry
	title = {D4SCIENCE-II - Report on inter-projects coordination and collaboration},
	author = {Castelli D. and Zoppi F.},
	institution = {Project report, D4SCIENCE-II, Deliverable DNA2.2, 2010},
	year = {2010}

Data Infrastructure Ecosystem for Science