Conference article  Open Access

Data from "Exploring Next Generation Grey"

Schoepfel J, Farace D, Baxter D, Giannini S, Molino A, Lipinski T, Potocnik V, Savic D

Grey literature  Scientific and technical information  Libraries  Archives  Museums  Advocacy 

The GL2021 Conference offered the many and diverse communities of practice in the field of grey literature a unique opportunity to collaborate in addressing and defining the next phase in the digital transformation of grey literature. In preparation for this conference, a panel session on the future of grey literature was planned on the program; and, in advance, an online survey was carried out among GreyNet's own community of practice in the field of grey literature.

Source: THE GL-CONFERENCE SERIES. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, pp. 117-124. Online conference, 06/12/2021

Publisher: GreyNet International - Grey Literature Network Service

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Data from "Exploring Next Generation Grey"},
	author = {Schoepfel J and Farace D and Baxter D and Giannini S and Molino A and Lipinski T and Potocnik V and Savic D},
	publisher = {GreyNet International - Grey Literature Network Service},
	booktitle = {THE GL-CONFERENCE SERIES. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, pp. 117-124. Online conference, 06/12/2021},
	year = {2022}