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SoBigData-PlusPlus D9.5 - SoBigData e-infrastructure common facilities 2

Assante M, Bardi A, Fernandez E, Lamata Martinez I, Lettere M, Manzi A, Pagano P

VRE  BigData  SocialScience 

Deliverable D9.5 "e-Infrastructure Common Facilities 2" is the revised version of Deliverable D9.4 "e- Infrastructure Common Facilities" intended to report the design principles and software architectures characterising the release and development of the SoBigData e-Infrastructure common facilities, namely the social mining computational engine, the online coding and workflow design frameworks, and the online science monitoring dashboard. This revised version of the document covers the first 36 months of the project, including up to date information on the progress for the existing common facilities documented in D9.4 Deliverable at M12, and information on common facilities developed between M12 and M36. Specifically, (i) the Social Mining Analytics Engine section has been enriched with a new service for performing collaborative data processing and mining on information sets (Cloud Computing Platform) and (ii) the Online Coding and Workflow section has been enriched with the report on the integration of Galaxy open-source platform for FAIR data analysis. The deliverable consists of six sections. Section 1 briefly introduces the role of this deliverable for the development and delivery of the SoBigData e-Infrastructure common facilities. Section 2 describes the SoBigData e-infrastructure logical architecture contextualising the common facilities and how they relate with the rest. Section 3, section 4 and section 5 document the first release of the e-Infrastructure common facilities included in this report and available at M36, reporting the design principles and reference architectures of the released solutions. Specifically, section 3 describes the social mining computational engine, Section 4 presents the online coding and workflow design frameworks - which includes the RStudio, the Jupyter Notebooks via JupyterHub, and Galaxy, Section 5 reports the online science monitoring dashboard. Finally, section 6 concludes the report illustrating the whole Release Management process and its components for continuous integration.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {SoBigData-PlusPlus D9.5 - SoBigData e-infrastructure common facilities 2},
	author = {Assante M and Bardi A and Fernandez E and Lamata Martinez I and Lettere M and Manzi A and Pagano P},
	year = {2023}

SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics