Rinzivillo Salvatore, Ruggieri Salvatore
classification rules spatial classificat spatial visualization spatial classification interestingness measures
We present a knowledge discovery case study on customer classification having the objective of mining the distinctive characteristics of new customers of a service of tax return. Two general approaches are described. The first one, a symbolic approach, is based on extracting and ranking classification rules on the basis of significativeness measures defined on the 4-fold contingency table of a rule. The second one, a spatial approach, is based on extracting geographic areas with predominant presence of new customers.
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
@inbook{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:204509, title = {Who/where are my new customers?}, author = {Rinzivillo Salvatore and Ruggieri Salvatore}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-22732-5_25}, booktitle = {STUDIES IN COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (PRINT)}, year = {2011} }