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Editorial - Image and video processing for cultural heritage

Charvillat V., Tonazzini A., Van Gool L., Nikolaidis N.

Cultural Heritage  Image Processing  Video Processing  Image Processing and Computer Vision  Digitization and Image Capture  Computer Graphics  Computer graphics; Computational Geometry  Image processing 

The preservation, archival, and study of cultural heritage is of the utmost importance at local, national, and international levels. Not only global organizations like UNESCO but also museums, libraries, cultural institutions, and private initiatives are working in these directions. During the last three decades, researchers in the field of imaging science have started to contribute a growing set of tools for cultural heritage, thereby providing indispensable support to these efforts.

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	title = {Editorial - Image and video processing for cultural heritage},
	author = {Charvillat V. and Tonazzini A. and Van Gool L. and Nikolaidis N.},
	year = {2009}

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