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Data model description of the OpenAIRE Research Graph

La Bruzzo Sf, Artini M, Atzori C, Bardi A, Baglioni M, De Bonis M, Mannocci A, Manghi P, Pavone G

Data Model  Research Graph  OpenAIRE 

The OpenAIRE Graph (formerly known as the OpenAIRE Research Graph) is one of the largest open scholarly record collections worldwide, key to fostering Open Science and establishing its practices in daily research activities. Conceived as a public and transparent good, populated out of data sources trusted by scientists, the Graph aims at bringing discovery, monitoring, and assessment of science back into the hands of the scientific community. Imagine a vast collection of research products all linked together, contextualized, and openly available. For the past years, OpenAIRE has been working to gather this valuable record. It is a massive collection of metadata and links between scientific products such as articles, datasets, software, and other research products, entities like organizations, funders, funding streams, projects, communities, and data sources. This technical Report describes the public data model adopted by the OpenAIRE Graph.


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Data model description of the OpenAIRE  Research Graph},
	author = {La Bruzzo Sf and Artini M and Atzori C and Bardi A and Baglioni M and De Bonis M and Mannocci A and Manghi P and Pavone G},
	doi = {10.32079/isti-tr-2022/031},
	year = {2022}