Solachidis V, Maiorana E, Campisi P, Banterle F
High Dynamic Range Imaging Watermarking Exposure Stack Data hiding H.5.1 Multimedia Information Systems. Watermarking Tone Mapping operators HDR Watermarking
The present paper proposes a novel watermarking scheme specifically designed for high dynamic range (HDR) images. The employed embedding strategy is based on a decomposition of the original HDR representation into multiple low dynamic range (LDR) images by means of a bracketing process. After having inserted the selected watermark into each LDR component, the final output is generated by combining the available contributions into a single HDR object. By exploiting some of the well studied properties of digital watermarking for standard LDR images, our approach is able to generate a watermarked HDR image visually equivalent to the original one, while allowing to detect the embedded information in both the marked HDR image and in its LDR counterpart, obtained through tone-mapping operators or by extracting a specific luminance range of interest from it. Several results obtained from an extensive set of experimental tests are reported to testify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:277795, title = {HDR image watermarking based on bracketing decomposition}, author = {Solachidis V and Maiorana E and Campisi P and Banterle F}, doi = {10.1109/icdsp.2013.6622687}, year = {2013} }