Software  Metadata Only Access

gCube VRE Definition App [Release 5.0 , 30 June 2016]

Assante M, Perciante C

Virtual Research Environment  gCube  VRE Definition 

The gCube VRE Definition App shows a wizard that allows VRE managers to create VREs, defining their name, their temporal coverage (i.e. start date and end date after which the VRE expires), their managers, their description (optional) and the resources they will need to operate. All the resource information of the e-Infrastructure reside in the gCube Information System (IS), which plays the role of the infrastructure's registry and supports the publishing, discovery and monitoring of all the parts that form the infrastructure.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {gCube VRE Definition App [Release 5.0 , 30 June 2016]},
	author = {Assante M and Perciante C},
	year = {2016}

Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources