Conference article  Unknown

An Image Mining Medical Warehouse

Colantonio S., Gurevich I. B., Salvetti O., Trusova Y.

Image Mining  Medical Imaging  Image Representation 

Advances in medical imaging technologies have assured the availability of more and more precise and detailed images whose analysis has became a necessary step in the diagnostic, prognostic and monitoring processes of main pathologies. Such development has stressed the need for advanced systems that are not limited to storage and management but include intelligent representation and retrieval of images. In this paper, we report current results of a medical warehouse we are developing for mining medical images, thus offering medical experts and researchers the possibility of storing, retrieving, analyzing and investigating biomedical images to discover novel knowledge relevant to diagnostic processes.

Source: The First International Workshop on Image Mining: Theory and Applications (IMTA 200i8), pp. 83–92, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 22-23 January 2008

Publisher: INSTICC Press - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, Setubal, PRT

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BibTeX entry
	title = {An Image Mining Medical Warehouse},
	author = {Colantonio S. and Gurevich I.  B. and Salvetti O. and Trusova Y.},
	publisher = {INSTICC Press - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, Setubal, PRT},
	booktitle = {The First International Workshop on Image Mining: Theory and Applications (IMTA 200i8), pp. 83–92, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 22-23 January 2008},
	year = {2008}