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HOPE: high-level design of the HOPE architecture

Siebinga S, Manghi P, Mieldijk M, Van Der Werf T

Digital Libraries  HOPE Project  Searching and Accessig Social History Collections 

The high-level design (HLD) of the HOPE architecture identifies the basic concepts, principles, functions, data flows and open standards of the HOPE system. The purpose of the high-level design is to outline a technical approach to the HOPE infrastructure and system, and to provide sufficient guidance and direction for the project during the implementation of the HOPE system.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {HOPE: high-level design of the HOPE architecture},
	author = {Siebinga S and Manghi P and Mieldijk M and Van Der Werf T},
	year = {2010}

HOPE - Heritage of the People's Europe
HOPE - Heritage of the People's Europe