Software  Unknown

gCube document store framework [Release 1.0 , 18 December 2015]

Frosini L.

NoSQL  Document Store DB  MongoDB 

Document Store Framework is a set of libraries allowing to store information in NoSQL document store. The data models are discovered at runtime and each document is validated before persisting it. The framework persist the data in NoSQL document store through connectors discovered at runtime. The currently provided connector are for CouchDB, CouchBase and MongoDB. The framework is fault-tolerant as it provides bufferization and fallbacks persistence over filesystem in the case the entitled persistence in not available at any moment. When the persistence is back, the data is retrieved from the filesystem and finally stored where expected. It is explicitly designed for cloud computing though it can also be used for local needs by providing an adequate persistence connector.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {gCube document store framework  [Release 1.0 , 18 December 2015]},
	author = {Frosini L.},
	year = {2015}