Conference article  Restricted

3D-centered media linking and semantic enrichment through integrated searching, browsing, viewing and annotating

Pena Serna S., Scopigno R., Doerr M., Theodoridou M., Georgis C., Ponchio F, Stork A.

Multimedia Information Systems  Hypertext navigation and maps  Information Interface and Presentation 

The digitally documented world heritage is archived in databases or repositories, where collections of metadata, images, multimedia objects or nowadays even digital 3D artifacts can be stored and queried. Modeling and linking all this information is complex and involves refined categorizations and relations, which are usually accessed by either simplistic or overwhelmingly complex interfaces. Hence, finding the right level of abstraction for a general interface is very challenging. This becomes even more demanding, if in addition to collection exploration, semantic enrichment is required. This work focuses on the design and implementation of an integrated interface, in which four dedicated activities are combined and provided: i) flexible definition of relational queries, ii) browsing of multiple results and query refinement, iii) inspection and analysis of multimedia objects, and iv) building and enrichment of semantic relationships (data paths) between objects. This integrated interface can handle different kinds of multimedia objects, allowing for querying and annotating text, 2D images or 3D artifacts. We present the software design of this interface and the corresponding underlying model in the semantic network. This work is a general step toward interfacing to 3D Linked Open Data.

Source: The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST 2011, pp. 89–96, Prato, 8-11 October 2011

Publisher: Eurographics Association, Goslar, DEU


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BibTeX entry
	title = {3D-centered media linking and semantic enrichment through integrated searching, browsing, viewing and annotating},
	author = {Pena Serna S. and Scopigno R. and Doerr M. and Theodoridou M. and Georgis C. and Ponchio F and Stork A.},
	publisher = {Eurographics Association, Goslar, DEU},
	doi = {10.2312/vast/vast11/089-096},
	booktitle = {The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST 2011, pp. 89–96, Prato, 8-11 October 2011},
	year = {2011}

Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation