Conference article  Open Access

Selective gradient boosting for effective learning to rank

Lucchese C, Nardini F M, Perego R, Orlando S, Trani S

Settore INF/01 - Informatica  Learning-to-Rank task  Multiple additive regression trees  Learning to Rank  Boosting  Learning to rank  Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni  Web search production systems  Multiple Additive Regression Trees  NDCG 

Learning an effective ranking function from a large number of query-document examples is a challenging task. Indeed, training sets where queries are associated with a few relevant documents and a large number of irrelevant ones are required to model real scenarios of Web search production systems, where a query can possibly retrieve thousands of matching documents, but only a few of them are actually relevant. In this paper, we propose Selective Gradient Boosting (SelGB), an algorithm addressing the Learning-to-Rank task by focusing on those irrelevant documents that are most likely to be mis-ranked, thus severely hindering the quality of the learned model. SelGB exploits a novel technique minimizing the mis-ranking risk, i.e., the probability that two randomly drawn instances are ranked incorrectly, within a gradient boosting process that iteratively generates an additive ensemble of decision trees. Specifically, at every iteration and on a per query basis, SelGB selectively chooses among the training instances a small sample of negative examples enhancing the discriminative power of the learned model. Reproducible and comprehensive experiments conducted on a publicly available dataset show that SelGB exploits the diversity and variety of the negative examples selected to train tree ensembles that outperform models generated by state-of-the-art algorithms by achieving improvements of NDCG@10 up to 3.2%.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Selective gradient boosting for effective learning to rank},
	author = {Lucchese C and Nardini F M and Perego R and Orlando S and Trani S},
	doi = {10.1145/3209978.3210048 and 10.5281/zenodo.2668014 and 10.5281/zenodo.2668013},
	year = {2018}

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