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BELIEF II - Bringing Europe s eLectronic Infrastructures to Expanding Frontiers - Phase II

Biagini F, Bosio C, Castelli D, Pagano P, Zoppi F

Digital Libraries  e-Infrastructures 

The initiative Bringing Europe’s electronic infrastructures to expanding frontiers II (BELIEF-II) is a twenty four month Coordination Action (CA) of the INFRA-2007-3.3: Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development, including international cooperation, for eInfrastructures. It builds on the success achieved in BELIEF [2005-2007] and has as its strategic objective to coordinate the efficient & effective communication, Results, Networking & Knowledge Flow between EU e-Infrastructures projects and their users, promoting their development and exploitation worldwide. Through adopting a structured coordination of all EU e-Infrastructures projects, dissemination and networking activities, BELIEF-II seeks to: 1. Ensure Europe’s numerous e-Infrastructures projects evolve in synergy with one another together with national initiatives to ensure common directions and efficient interaction. 2. Reinforce the relevance of Europe’s e-Infrastructures worldwide thus helping sustain their successful development and exploitation globally. 3. Provide a communication platform that is at the same time a channel for projects to manage their content, to communicate activities to users and the public, and to be a unique access point for users to find out about eInfrastructures.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {BELIEF II - Bringing Europe s eLectronic Infrastructures to Expanding Frontiers - Phase II},
	author = {Biagini F and Bosio C and Castelli D and Pagano P and Zoppi F},
	year = {2008}