Report  Open Access

BASMATI - D3.5 Server- and Client-side Applications Adaptation and Reconfiguration: Design and Specification

Dazzi P., Carlini E., De Lira V. M., Munteanu C.

User modelling  Application Modelling 

This report provides a description of the mechanisms, tools, and algorithms used to support application adaptation and reconfiguration in the BASMATI brokerage platform. At the core of this support lies the BASMATI Enriched Application Model (BEAM), which is the xml-based language in which an application is modelled and represented in BASMATI. The design principles behind the BEAM (namel: compatibility, extensibility, decomposability) are the prerequisites to provide efficient and effective geo-placement of services and applications on top of federated Cloud resources. The BEAM is made available to all the components of the platform by the Application Repository, which works as a centralization point for the BEAMs of all the applications. The decomposability of BEAM is exploited by the Decision Maker that has the task to proactively and reactively adapt the application according to the behaviour of users and resources, by means of advanced placement algorithms.

Source: Project report, BASMATI, Deliverable D3.5, 2018

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BibTeX entry
	title = {BASMATI - D3.5 Server- and Client-side Applications Adaptation and Reconfiguration: Design and Specification},
	author = {Dazzi P. and Carlini E. and De Lira V. M. and Munteanu C.},
	institution = {Project report, BASMATI, Deliverable D3.5, 2018},
	year = {2018}

Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications