Conference article  Unknown

DOI : una interfaccia orientata ai documenti per l'immissione dati nei sistemi di gestione di basi di dati

Aloia N., Apuzzo D., Rabitti F., Tamaro R.

User interface  Data entry  Office systems  Data base management systems 

A system for user friendly data entry to Database Management Systems is here presented. It consists of a Document Oriented Interface (DOI) which allows the user to enter data as it is organized in his paper documents. Complex data fields (composed, repeating, automatic, etc.) are supported. On-line semantic integrity constraint enforcement on data fields allows to detect most of user mistakes in data entry. Document fields are then mapped to the database schema and then loaded into the database management system. Software engineering techniques used in the implementation are also discussed.

Source: Congresso annuale AICA, pp. 527–544, Roma, Italy, 1984

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BibTeX entry
	title = {DOI : una interfaccia orientata ai documenti per l'immissione dati nei sistemi di gestione di basi di dati},
	author = {Aloia N. and Apuzzo D. and Rabitti F. and Tamaro R.},
	booktitle = {Congresso annuale AICA, pp. 527–544, Roma, Italy, 1984},
	year = {1984}