Conference article  Open Access

Efficient broadcast on area of interest in voronoi overlays

Mordacchini M., Albano M., Baraglia R., Ricci L.

Range Queries  Voronoi Networks  Routing  Peer-to-Peer  Resource Discovery  Area of Interest 

This paper presents an algorithm to perform the broadcasting of a packet to all the peers that are located into a convex region (Area of Interest) in a Voronoi based peer-to-peer network. The proposed algorithm is an advanced version of the compass routing algorithm, and it is able to guarantee the delivery of 100% of the packets, while minimizing the total number of packets that travel the network. The algorithm has been theoretically analyzed, and it has been implemented on a proof of concept peer-to-peer application, and experimental results show that the algorithm actually respects the reduced number of total packets used, as per the theoretical analysis.

Source: International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, pp. 224–231, Vancouver, Canada, 29-31 Agosto 2009

Publisher: IEEE, New York, USA


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Efficient broadcast on area of interest in voronoi overlays},
	author = {Mordacchini M. and Albano M. and Baraglia R. and Ricci L.},
	publisher = {IEEE, New York, USA},
	doi = {10.1109/cse.2009.293},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, pp. 224–231, Vancouver, Canada, 29-31 Agosto 2009},
	year = {2009}

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