Conference article  Unknown

Remarks on Turbo ASMs for Functional Equations and Recursion Schemes

Boerger E., Bolognesi T.

Abstract State Machines 

The question raised in [15] is answered how to naturally model widely used forms of recursion by abstract machines. We show that turbo ASMs as defined in [7] allow one to faithfully reflect the common intuitive single-agent understanding of recursion. The argument is illustrated by turbo ASMs for Mergesort and Quicksort. Using turbo ASMs for returning function values allows one to seamlessly integrate functional description and programming techniques into the high-level 'abstract programming' by state transforming ASM rules.

Source: Abstract State Machines 2003 - Advances in Theory and Practice, pp. 218–228, Taormina, Italy, 3-7 March 2003

Publisher: Springer, Berlin , Germania

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Remarks on Turbo ASMs for Functional Equations and Recursion Schemes},
	author = {Boerger E. and Bolognesi T.},
	publisher = {Springer, Berlin , Germania},
	booktitle = {Abstract State Machines 2003 - Advances in Theory and Practice, pp. 218–228, Taormina, Italy, 3-7 March 2003},
	year = {2003}