Boada I, Navazo I, Scopigno R
:Informàtica::Infografia [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] Multiresolution representation and rendering Infografia tridimensional 3D Texture mapping Multiresolution represen- tation and rendering Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Octree Software Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design Three-dimensional imaging Volume rendering
Although 3D texture-based volume rendering guarantees image quality almost interactively, it is difficult to maintain an interactive rate when the technique has to be exploited on large datasets. In this paper, we propose a new texture memory representation and a management policy that substitute the classical one-texel per voxel approach for a hierarchical approach. The hier- archical approach benefits nearly homogeneous regions and regions of lower interest. The proposed algorithm is based on a simple traversal of the octree representation of the volume data. Driven by a user-defined image quality, defined as a combination of data homogeneity and importance, a set of octree nodes (the cut) is selected to be rendered. The degree of accuracy applied for the representation of each one of the nodes of the cut in the texture memory is set independently according to the user-defined parameters.The variable resolution texture model obtained reduces the texture memory size and thus texture swapping, improving rendering speed.
Source: THE VISUAL COMPUTER, vol. 17 (issue 3), pp. 185-197
@article{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:43943, title = {Multiresolution volume visualization with a texture-based octree}, author = {Boada I and Navazo I and Scopigno R}, doi = {10.1007/pl00013406}, year = {2001} }