Conference article  Unknown

Teresa: an environment for designing multi-device interactive services

Berti S., Mori G., Paternò F., Santoro C.

Authoring Tools  Design Tools and Techniques  H.5.2 User Interfaces. User interface management systems (UIMS)  D.2.2 User Interfaces. Evaluation/methodology  User Interfaces. Interaction styles (e.g.  commands  menus  forms  direct manipulation)  User Interfaces. Natural language  Design Tools and Techniques. User interfaces 

In this paper we illustrate TERESA, an authoring environment for the design of multi-device interfaces, which supports specifications of logical descriptions of an interactive system in device-independent languages . The tool contains an intelligent engine supporting a number of transformations in order to move across logical descriptions and, consequently, generate the user interface for various types of platforms.

Source: Hcitaly 2005. 4th Simposio su Human-Computer-Interaction, Roma, September 19-22 2005

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Teresa: an environment for designing multi-device interactive services},
	author = {Berti S. and Mori G. and Paternò F. and Santoro C.},
	booktitle = {Hcitaly 2005. 4th Simposio su Human-Computer-Interaction, Roma, September 19-22 2005},
	year = {2005}