Report  Open Access

Quality assessment strategy: applying business process understandability guidelines for learning

Corradini F., Ferrari A., Fornari F., Gnesi S., Polini A., Re B., Spagnolo G. O.

Modelling Guidelines  Models Understandability  Business Process Modelling 

Modelling using graphical notations permits to improve communications among stakeholders. The usage and composition of the notation elements can greatly impact on the understandability of the dened models. This is an important factor to consider in complex organizations where activities are performed by the collaboration of many stakeholders. Understandability becomes even more important when models are also used to structure learning activities. In this technical we report our experience on the usage of BPMN for documenting and learning business process activities.

Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2017

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Quality assessment strategy: applying business process understandability guidelines for learning},
	author = {Corradini F. and Ferrari A. and Fornari F. and Gnesi S. and Polini A. and Re B. and Spagnolo G.  O.},
	institution = {ISTI Technical reports, 2017},
	year = {2017}

Model-Based Social Learning for Public Administrations