Journal article  Open Access

Theory of near-field detection of core-gold nanoshells inside biosystems

D'Acunto M., Cricenti A., Luce M., Dinarelli S.

Gold nanoshell  SNOM  Near-field plasmonics  VIS-NIR 

Metal nanoshells composed by a dielectric core with a thin gold layer are stimulating growing interests due to the unique optical, electric and magnetic properties exhibited by the local field enhancement near the metal - dielectric core interface due to strong local plasmon resonance and the high tunability of such resonance as a function of shape and core-material. These unique characteristics have found promising applications in a wide range of areas, such as biosensing, optical communication and medicine. In this paper, we developed a theoretical and numerical simulation based on a near-field approach to study the possibility to identify nanoshells inside mouse cells. Taking advantage from the characteristic near-infrared transparency window of many biological systems, i.e. the low light absorption coefficient of biological systems between 750-1100nm, we show the possibility to identify and detect 100-150nm diameter gold nanoshells inside the animal cells.

Source: Computer modelling and new technologies 19 (2015): 29–34.

Publisher: Transporta un sakaru instituts., Riga, Lettonia

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Theory of near-field detection of core-gold nanoshells inside biosystems},
	author = {D'Acunto M. and Cricenti A. and Luce M. and Dinarelli S.},
	publisher = {Transporta un sakaru instituts., Riga, Lettonia},
	journal = {Computer modelling and new technologies},
	volume = {19},
	pages = {29–34},
	year = {2015}

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